
Machines and devices for working between plants

  • What is a row spacing device?
  • What is the purpose of the row spacing?
  • What does an interrow spacing device look like?
  • Is an interrow spacing device right for me?
  • Interrow: all models

Inter-row cultivator – What is it?

The inter-row weeder (also known as a tiller or inter-row cultivator) is an agricultural machine designed to perform specific work along the row, between plants, in crops such as vineyards, orchards and olive groves.

It is capable of performing mechanical and, above all, biological weeding.

It is therefore an essential machine in intensive or super-intensive crops of all kinds (e.g. poplar groves, etc.,).

What is an inter-row cultivator for?

The purpose of these machines is to replace or minimise hand hoeing under plants.

With an inter-row hoe, it is possible to mow, chop, till or simply surface till the soil between plants and around each stump. How? The work that this machine can do changes depending on the inter-row tool installed.

Modern inter-row machines must also be suitable for working on very young plants, high-density (intensive and super-intensive) olive groves and orchards.

What does a row spacing look like?

In the details highlighted in the adjacent photo you can see:

  1. The dozer tip (or spike) is used to create the furrow that precedes the inter-row tool;
  2. The tool (can be a razor blade, a ploughshare, a cutter, etc.) is the organ that does precisely the under-row work by rotating on axis no. 4 very close to the stump and between plants;
  3. The tiller (or sensor) is that rod which, when it detects the presence of the plant, alerts the machine that it is time to move away from the stump. This allows the blade to return to its rest position and eliminate any possibility of damaging the plant.
  4. The axis allows the working depth of the tool to be recorded.

Is an inter-row cultivator right for me?

Before you can answer, you need to know some characteristics of your farm, such as:

‘Where is your farm located, hilly or flat area?’
‘Which tractor do you own?’
‘What is the nature of your soil? Clayey? stony?’

Depending on the characteristics and requirements of the farm, we are able to offer machines equipped to specific needs.

Here are some examples of machines

Inter-row tillers: all models

We produce various models and versions of inter-row row crop ploughs to meet the needs of every farm:

  • Anchor ploughs with double or single inter-row blades; (these are the models with the best cost/performance ratio);
  • Inter-row tool carriers (front or rear);
  • Inter-row ventral column; (the best solution if you want to carry out more work in a single pass);
  • Inter-row kit (they are the most economical solution and are applied directly to a grubber or a generic three-point hitch).

serie RAPTOR

Universal interrow processing kit

universal inter-row kit


Double side Interrow cultivator with tins

in-row cultivator


Single side interrow cultivator with tines


serie EAGLE

Multi tools frame with double interrow linked rear of the tractor

serie EAGLE S

Multi tools frame with single interrow linked rear of the tractor

telaio interfilare portattrezzi posteriore singolo

serie EAGLE XL D

Multi tools frame for orchard and large rows

in-row machine works with vertical tillage in olive grove

serie EAGLE D A

Multi tools frame linked anterior the tractor


serie RAPTOR-V

Ventral interrow device

motorized inter row discs