indipendent disc harrow tines
1.0 - What is a disc harrow and what problem does it solve?

1.1 – The history and past of the sod breaker

This crusher model represents the technological evolution of the historical offset disc, a typical agricultural implement of the past.


It were excellent machines for minimum tillage, for working in very grassy soils, for green manure, for working in wet soil conditions and guaranteed low power absorption, low fuel consumption and, above all, they did not create tillage furrows as they passed.


But, among the weaknesses of the historical disc mowers:

They were not able to work on stony and rocky terrain, because they jolted or even damaged;
They were prone to ‘drift’ when working, so it was necessary to continually correct the working trajectory with sharp turns. The old disc machines, due to their shape, presented lateral ‘pulls’ during machining;
They required continuous greasing of the rotating parts and therefore careful and punctual maintenance;
They were machines suitable for working the soil only superficially.


1.2 – From past to present

DISK CULT is a new machine developed for working the soil in all seasons of the year, in different soil moisture states and at different depths.

Stone, rock, barren and skeleton-rich soils are the ideal terrain for this type of machine. No other machine can work as smoothly as this disc harrow model. It is not only a clod-breaker for coarse work, but also breaks up and flattens the soil.

It reduces the use of tillers and grubbers. The DISK CULT independent disc breaker is suitable for wet, grassy (or green manure-covered), rocky soils that are difficult to work with different machines (tillers, power harrows, etc.).

It has the characteristic of being user-friendly compared to equipment of the past. The independent discs with NO-STOP spring make the machine very stable and balanced even on stony and rocky ground.


Different set-ups by crop are available. Contact us if you need to know which set-up best suits your needs.

2.0 Models: harrows and equipment designed for your crop
DISK CULT X series
Disc harrow for vineyard 🍇
disc harrow for vineyard and orchard
Disc harrow for orchard 🍑
erpice a dischi frangizolle oliveto
DISK CULT L series
Disk harrow for olive grove 🫒